(Lower case) v. To destroy something successful or promising, with arrogant or oblivious decision-making.

The quintessential example is Disney itself, with its falling stock price, emptying parks, and self-destructive involvement of itself in politics and social activism. In the last 10 years, it has 'disneyed' multiple beloved and lucrative franchises - somehow reducing them to money-losing operations.

Disney will be studied in business schools as a cautionary tale for decades to come.
'I'm not going to let you disney this project!'
'If you talk politics on stream, you risk disneying your brand'
'The CEO's insistence on outsourcing disneyed the company'
by Noodles D October 17, 2023
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A ''Disney channel flow'' means having zero flow in your rap music.

It got it's meaning from the song ''its everyday bro'' by jake paul (and other rappers that don't even get their name featured in the youtube title, but actually rap better than him)
someone: i love jake paul, he has such a good flow
me, an intellectual: are you deaf? the only flow that kid has is the disney channel flow
by a cranky 17 year old July 9, 2017
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A game where you walk to the back of the disney store, touch the back wall and then walk out without being greeted
Man Jim almost beat the disney game but that bitch said hi as he walked out
by Pussyslayer3000 February 8, 2014
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A group of Disney adults is called an amber alert.
An amber alert went to Disneyland because it is their only joy in life.
by mausee September 21, 2023
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otherwise referred to as walp gisney.
"can't even have disney in utah man."
by StormKloud January 30, 2023
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The action when you give a fictional or nonfictional character within a TV series or movie a different ethnicity from which they were originally based on.

(This is most notable in the live action version of "The Little Mermaid", which included an African-American actor playing the part of Ariel rather than someone of the same skin tone, which had set off many people in the media.)

Although this is quite harmless, it may result in some plot issues, as well as it being completely random and pointless.
Child 1 : "Look, mommy, I drew Mario from the movie!" (Super Mario is drawn with a darker skin tone)

Parent 1 : "That's great, sweetie! Nice job."

Parent 2 : "Damn. Straight up gave him the Disney Treatment."

Parent 1 : "What?"
by UnpopularTerms October 29, 2023
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a) A film for children that is subtly intended for the adults.
b) A weird and crazy porn movie.
Use of A: When we left the cinema I felt it was an A.O.D. (Adult Oriented Disney)
Use of B: I warn you, that movie it's a fantastic A.O.D. (Adult Oriented Disney)
by Juanki St. Jacob February 15, 2018
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