Leah wilson, a truly amazing girl, one who will bring light in the dark, one who brings joy in sadness, one who brings love in despair, men could only dream of a girl this pretty, her face, her hair, her body, all perfect, she is a one in a lifetime, she is beauty at its finest, she is talented in many ways, musically, she is smart, and can make you feel better in any situation, her smile the most beautiful you will ever see, her eyes, a dark brown, beautiful as they glimmer in the light, her hands as soft as a feather, she can put you right to sleep with her beautiful voice, she is intelligent as she is funny, only one could dream about her, you’d be lucky if you ever find a Leah Wilson.
by WowSnoopSogBruh October 13, 2022
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Leah Jackson, aka LJ she is the baddest bitch in the land. She has great style and is always a joy to be around. She has a lot of friends yet she can be shy when meeting someone at first. Lastly, she has the prettiest smile and the biggest boobs.
"Wow look at that Leah Jackson"
"I'm feeling like a Leah Jackson, today"
"I wish a Leah Jackson would look at me"
by soccersoccer12345 May 6, 2020
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A neeky girl who believes shes leng. Very weird. If your not careful she might want you to get her wet 😭😭
by Smd🥶🥶😍 November 1, 2020
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Leah is a arrogant bitch who thinks she peng. She loves of man and chats to everyone. If you want to be a side man chat to her
Leah Nicole is a manslag
by You. Stupid black monkey October 18, 2018
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From toronto, everybody wants to fuck, "DO YOU WANT TO FUCKING DIE" "IM LEAH FUCKING COOKS". AND shes fucking a white hick
by DaddyMeh January 31, 2019
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One of the best people ever! They make the best jokes and they will try to end a fight. Randomly spamming letters is something that happens commonly so watch out!
Me: bro how is ur day

Leah hunter: iuxhwehdwyugdde

Me: ok?
by Eheck October 6, 2020
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A great person to be around. Will randomly spam letters tho
Me: hi
Leah hunter: kwjemeikdemdjksmwmwl
Me: ok?
by Eheck October 6, 2020
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