A woman who knows you better than you know yourself and knows exactly what to say to you to make you feel better. The most amazing partner in the world. You spend your whole life searching for her but you can't find her because there's only one. <3
Do you know Maile?
by Jason_sun November 8, 2022
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When someone is speeding trying to get to their destination.
Larry was toting the mail trying to get to his job
by Poeticsirr July 29, 2023
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Tell your friends. Typically after being laid well, you brag to your crew.
When I finished her right, she went off to drop some mail and her friends wanted in.
by EatSkones February 12, 2017
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The of feeling rejection after being rejected by the volunteer editors at the Urban Dictionary.
I tried to coin a meme but they mailed me....

I'm going to have to work this one my etymology for this meme, it is not getting past front door, I got mailed....

Thanks for your definition of £ternal!

A few volunteer editors read your definition and decided to not publish it. Don't take it personally!

To understand what definitions we publish and reject, check out this blog post:

Try rewriting your definition so that it's easier for others to understand, then try again.


Urban Dictionary
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Someone who is obsessed with touching fire
Meab is such a Nos Eid Mail
by VariousViper1780 January 12, 2023
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A message you just sent yourself as a reminder, but forgot about soon enough to be thrilled by the beep signaling "mail received". Like if other people actually wanted to text you.
Mechanism akin to that of Stranger's hand.
Damn! I thought someone remembered my birthday this year, but it's stranger mail with this article on suicide I wanted to save for later.
by adasny March 23, 2018
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