Someone who is afraid of everything and can't take a joke. They suck.
by John Jacob jingle Heimer smith September 18, 2013
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When someone is such a big peen and acts like a lil bitch. All they do is wine and act like a baby. Puss wuss is for those lil bitches in the world that complain for attention
Ugh you're such a puss wuss sarah i dont need to hear about how ugly you think you are or why you're affraid of rollercoaster.
by Puss wuss August 3, 2019
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A perfectly reasonable explanation for not attending or going through with something. People who do this should be admire and revered.
Person 1: "Alice is wussing out of going to a cocktail party. "
Person 2: "Good for Alice, I always knew she was awesome!"
by ElbowJoint April 9, 2010
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Weekend Shit Syndrome (W.S.S.)- The onset of a significant bowel movement, usually after the consumption of alchol, thus it most often occurs during the weekend.
I feel a wuss coming on.
Pull over the car! I have to wuss NOW.
by Cara, Summer, Alex May 22, 2008
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Pretains to people who dislike or hate pop music.
"Why do people sing about love? That's so wuss-core."
by Moose Mason October 18, 2008
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the term hoyatha-wuss means to go and have sexual intercourse with your mother. But through mass exposure to other cultral ethnicities the term has lost its value and imapact.
hoyatha-wuss whats up
hoyatha-wuss let me see that
hey you hoyatha-wuss
by bigChips March 15, 2005
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