Sent by satan to destroy whole mankind.(Older form of a girl) They always try to be equal to men

Proof that woman are evil:

First, girls need time and money:
Girl = Time * Money
And we know that time is money:
Money = Money * Money
We also know that money is the root of all evil:
Money = Evil ^ 1/2
Money ^ 2 = Evil
by JohnnyB7 May 4, 2007
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WOE + MAN = WOMAN (singular)
WOE + MEN = WOMEN (plural)
The definitive definition of Woman/Women. Beats all other definitions in that it describes the obvious in so few words.
by The Mother September 19, 2006
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Something to fuck when a man or lesbian is done smoking cigarettes and beating inferior animals.
Where's that woman, I need to fuck something and the only thing I have is the lifeless body of this cat I just beat the shit out of.
by womensrights90210 July 22, 2011
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1. The best sandwich making machine known to man kind.
2. Necessary for male existence, without them we would starve from a lack of sandwiches
I told that woman to get out of the way of the TV and make me a sandwich.
by I <3 Sandwiches April 18, 2010
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a person that was born with a vagina
person A: "hi guys i'm transgender"
person B: "no you're not you're a woman you have a vagina"
by bahsbsbss September 11, 2022
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Human with XX chromosomes.
Clearly some men here have a weird problem with women, shown by the warped and generally psychologically imbalanced statements below.
I'd like to say I have nothing against men at all and that I'm not putting men down as you guys have been putting down women before I start addressing two points.

1. I know that crap some guy wrote about being female is a birth defect is just some kind of bitter and irrational metaphor but I might as well address it as if it were meant truthfully. The truth is that all embryos start off as female, and it is actually the Y chromosome that later on turns any babies male that could be perceived as a 'defect' (even though neither are), as it is only half the size of the second X chromosome, and it is the cause of haemophilia in males as they can be missing the blood clotting gene in the missing part of the chromosome, whilst females cannot get this condition as they have two full XX chromosomes.

2. One disturbed individual said that women are less intelligent due to having smaller brains than men. If you did any kind of science you would know that in humans brain size is not related to intelligence, men merely have bigger brains as their bodies are proportionately larger. This has also been shown by the fact that sufferers of the condition microencephaly (a condition where the patient's brain is far smaller than normal) do not have impaired brain functioning and indeed enjoy normal intelligence.
In fact, the neurons in female brains are more interconnected which allows electrical impulses to be transmitted much faster than in male brains. Another facet of this is the question of how the people below explain the fact that girls out-perform boys throughout school life, as surely if women were less intelligent this would not be the case.

The boys who have written the below should really think about their issues with women because as a psychology student it seems to me to be a very unhealthy attitude, probably stemming from deep insecurities within themselves and their own gender identity, or possibly from past bad emotional experiences that should be dealt with. I'm sorry if the latter is the case but it is still no excuse to be writing the poisonous and offensive things that are written below. Frankly, you give men a bad name. It is men like you who perpetuate those generalizations and ruin it for all the lovely, emotionally balanced men out there, and to be fair, you are doing exactly the same to women when you write all this stuff about all of us being inferior in every way so please stop and think about what you are doing and deal with your issues.

Woman, you rock!
by The Happy Humanist February 16, 2010
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woman are fun
woman are fun to have
by goodaboy June 9, 2020
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