A sexy ass man with hunky abs and a big Dick and gets many girls and it stands for big chief leader and he is a man that will fight for his country and a fucking savage
by $#savage101 August 21, 2017
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A redneck or farmer who believes they are always right, also known as a goofy fucker
Hes bein a real a ty today.
by timmytommed September 26, 2012
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Ty means thank you in computer text.
ty 4 ur pix of ur d, man if u no wht i mean
by Kate Dare September 6, 2015
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A very hot hockey player who is very nice and chill (no pun intended). He is very tall usually and everyone likes him.
MARIYAH: Omg did you just see Ty?
MATT: Here we go again...
NATE: It’s just Ty...
SHANE: Ok but he’s pretty chill.
by pseudonyms don’t confine me October 13, 2018
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Didn't get a flu shot, temperature 103, OMG, TYS, TYS.
by Treedog February 27, 2015
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A Ty is the best person in the world. He is short with the most beautiful blue and green eyes. He is a blonde and handsome. He is a God at climbing and loves to play soccer. Ty's are normally loyal, and smart. A Ty's girlfriend (probably a Nicole) is the most lucky person in the world. A Ty is most loyal to his girlfriend. Over all, if you get a Ty you are very lucky.
Person 1: "Damn that guys hot!"
Person 2: "Probably a Ty."
by Trash Bot 69 December 17, 2019
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Person 1: *sends person money*

Person 2: ty
by kodakpro87 October 22, 2020
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