Just the most prefect retort to any insult. It works because there's just no come back to it. It's so stupid that you win!
A says, "Omg B, you're a dipshit."
B says, "No you are, your face is."
A says, "Uhh..."

A says, "B, why do you want to marry a goat."
B says, "Your face, that's why."

Librarian whispers, "Quiet please, it's a library!"
by mott July 6, 2005
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To be used in the beginning of the your mom/your face game; can be combined with a variety of other functions.
1: Your mom
2: Your moms face
1: Your moms face's face
2: Your moms second cousins pet monkeys proctologist
1: Your... proctologist's face
by Raynor10k March 20, 2005
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most brilliant insult in this whole wide world.
mom: turn off the light.
me: turn off YOUR FACE.
by kaylaFTW December 28, 2006
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Greatest of insults. Usable at any time!
S:what was that?
T:your face
S:oh, touché.
by zebraa bby June 14, 2007
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sometimes a hilarious and/or stupid comeback with no known comeback. added when youre being hit with good insults.
shmo-ur really ugly and stupid
shmo-hey what r u lookin at?
jo-YOUR FACE!!!!!! HAHAHA!! *runs off screaming*

fred- yo! did you see that ugly guy today?
fred- oh yea? what did it look like?
bob-YOUR FACE! hahahaha!!!!
fred-ummm, no your face
bob- *already walking away* sure, dude the moments gone

sally- *running away crying*
jeff- what you do to her man?
mike-uh, she saw YOUR FACE!!!!!! hahaha!!!
by l.h. November 20, 2006
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an inferior synonym to your mom

used as an immature, irritating comeback to anything said or asked (and is slightly less offensive to your mother)
Mom: Take the trash out.
Me: Take your face out.

Dad: How ws your day?
Me: Your face!

Sara: I got the new Kagrra Album, nya nya!

Teacher: Where's your homework?
Me: Where's your face?!

Kid: You're stupid.
Me: Your FACE is stupid! Ohhh! PWND!
by -.- June 10, 2005
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1)a phrase that can be used to add random humor to any situation 2) a phrase that you can use to make an annoying person leave you alone
1)Hey look at that!! Its your face!!

2)person 1:Do you fellas wanna hang out tonight?
person 2: Your face!
by your face October 13, 2003
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