To buy someone a drink, when used in the context of a favour, often means to give them some small amount of money (usually £10) in return for their efforts.
Could you give me a hand with this stuff please, I will buy you a drink.
by Scott Sadler November 7, 2005
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Similar to playing "Shadow" or "Mirror." Two people sit across from each other. One drinks and the other has to imitate the exact same drinking style, movements, type and amount of booze.
Brad and Lonnie were playing Drink Drink Revolution for two hours last night, but Lonnie gave up when he had to take a leak.
by Anonymous January 2, 2003
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Alpha male (with extreme level of testosterone) who can sit at a bar, order a pink concoction and still be the man-crush of every football viewing male around.
Dude, that guy over there... sitting between Brett Favre and Peyton Manning...F-35 pilot... drinking a pink drink.
by mariaaggie October 26, 2009
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To have a gathering of folks in an enclosure, whether bar or house/apartment, who decide to imbibe themselves and partake in song and dance, and well enjoy activities such as pool, beer pong, karaoke, kings cup, and never have I ever.
by RWess December 16, 2016
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The drinking that starts before a celebration or an occassion. It usually involves a hardcore group who pride themselves on the amount of alcohol that they can consume.

It could be a few hours early or the day before, usually used as an excuse to women!
Girlfriend: Why have you guys started drinking already? It's 11 in the morning!

Guy: It's the Pre-drink drinks for my birthday, we're just warming up!
by x100jon December 18, 2008
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A word who's meaning is similar to that of the words; fruit tart,fruit cake.

1 - A person acting irresponsibly or awkwardly.

2 - A fool.

3 - A pervert or harasser; someone who harasses people sexually or in another way.

*Commonly said among friends*
1 - You're such a drink.

2 - You actually think that drink is gonna steal that car?

3 - Don't touch me you drink.
by Nick Wagner February 5, 2008
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