A bird found in the earth's core. It is coated with blackish-white feathers and takes a dump every 22 seconds.
One day, I will dig down to the earth's core and eat me a terd bird.
by Jonny Livestrong February 6, 2005
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That kid, Jonathan, from "Who's the Boss" is a straight up terd burglar. Robble, robble. Cagobble, cagobble.
by Phil Kuntz December 2, 2002
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Someone who travels around in tight fitting robes, depriving good people of their Faeces.
'Oh My Poo! You Terd Burgler!'
by Deragon April 20, 2004
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plumber, see also over paid pee moper
Call the terd wrestler, the toilet is over flowing
by Fish November 10, 2004
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Constipation, being bunched up, or just unable to shit.
Damn man, I haven't been able to crap for a week...I must have a terd clot!
by Halo Kid September 21, 2003
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One that steals terds and or eats them
My dogs, eat their terds in the yard, therefore, I call them Terd Monglers!
by Ruffcat March 8, 2004
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