A disease in which an individual experience the sensation of impending death. The word studying is a derivative of the English words "Student" and "Dying." (Student+Dying=Stu-dying) Therefore it describes the process in which a student of any age is pressured to spend hours leering at textbooks until they feel like they are physically dying. The only cure for this disease is commonly known as "Summer."
H: What's up?
P: Studying.
H: Aww, man, I'm here for you.
by purple_seastar January 3, 2014
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A code word for hard alcohol, typically used in a college setting
Are we studying Saturday night?

I was studying so much this weekend I can't even remember what happened.
by psycho3991 March 27, 2013
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A meaning composed of two words: student and dying
Person A: You look like a zombie! What did you do?
Person B: I was studying.
by procrastinatormaster April 23, 2011
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To regurgitate a bunch of random information in order to write it all down on a piece of paper called a "test", only to forget about it all afterwards and repeat the cycle.
Studying is the cycle all students are forced to repeat until they are given another piece of paper called a "diploma".
by Dubiks March 20, 2019
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If you look at the word carefully... you would see the word DYING....
Tyrone: I can't dude.... I'm stuDYING for the finals....
by KHAYOS January 21, 2008
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The act of texting, eating and watching TV with an open textbook nearby.
by DA SEXY PENGUIN July 13, 2013
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The act of texting, eating, and watching TV with an open textbook nearby
My mom told me to go study, so I did.
by damnmexican January 30, 2012
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