Getting better. Being injured or something that ales you into being unhealthy and in poor health for a long period of time.

Slowly showing progress in better health.

example: a junkie who cant kick is on the road to recovery it will be a long road for a lifetime of kicking the habit.
"Your on the road to recovery" being a junkie and turning sober isn't always easy to walk away from.
Your "On the road to recovery", your health is improving, your walking again and close to coming home from the hospital soon.
by charityranallo December 19, 2017
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A phenomenon whereby individuals who were triggered by President Trump, go through a series of stages before finally calming down and feeling peace. This is entirely natural after 4+ years of his anxiety-provoking madness. The nervous system has to re-calibrate. Our habitual range of e-motion has to return to healthier parameters. Those stages may include deep sleep, hyper-vigilance, spontaneous joy, intermittent rage, feelings of boredom, generalized anxiety, a persistent need to check media, a hunger for intensity, pendulating between emotional armor and moments of surrender. It is very similar to one’s experience of reality after any abuser leaves their life. It takes real time to integrate the fact that they are gone, particularly in the case of a malignant-narcissist who has a perpetual need for attention. Anyone suffering from TRS will benefit from a patient approach to their recovery. Trump hit many buttons, and it will take time before your nervous system can regulate. - Jeff Brown
Hey Dude, don't be pushing on me that Q-ANON nonsense about the election being stolen. I am still traumatized and going through Trump Recovery Syndrome.
by maninboulder January 25, 2021
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The period of time in which you cant sit down after taking a poop
Dude that shit I took was fucked up. I was in butt-recovery-mode for like 15 minutes!
by Coolcandy March 7, 2010
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Also known as ARD. Anal recovery day is when a sick or PTO day must be used to be absent from work or school due to having your anal region pummeled during sexual activity the evening prior. Time is needed to recover from the gape, tenderness and even the ability to walk straight again.
HR: Good Morning HR department.

Employee: Hi this is Rachel in Accounting. I’m going to need to take a sick day today so I won’t be in.

HR: Sorry to hear that. Feel better. Is it the flu that’s going around?
Employee: I wish. It’s an anal recovery day. My boyfriend hit it hard last night. I may have a fissure.
by Eaton Holgoode May 4, 2018
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This is usually a 2oz shot similar to like an energy shot but used to relief they symptoms of a hangover. Also know as pop & shot to recovery. This is also know as the morning after Hangover Recovey Shot! AKA - hangover shot
by Joe Drunk December 13, 2010
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A meme about recovery and/ or addiction. Specifically one created by Timothy Kavanagh at Dank Recovery.
Did you see those memes about addiction that Timothy made? Those sure were dank recovery memes
by Moose K April 28, 2019
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The lag time after a shit in which you're unable to sit down. Not to be confused with Post Shit Syndrome.
Rick had an hour long asshole recovery period after downing 2 foot long chilli cheese dogs.
by TesticularTorsion September 2, 2014
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