The They People are the extremely large group of people who other people love to talk about. The They People know everything, are constantly giving advice, are experts in every field, and seem to be filled with expressions and sayings. The They People are vets, lawyers, doctors, philosophers, military, teachers, librarians, and any other profession you can think of.
“They warned me my aquarium should only have 1 inch of fish for each gallon of water.”
“They moved the Terror Level to yellow.”
“They told me to only tan for 20 minutes the first time.”
“They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
"You know what They say; lying only leads to more lies."
“They do, do They?”
"Yes They do."
"Who the hell is this "They" everyone talks about?”
"You know…They. The They People."
"They" are pretty messed up saying obvious crap all the time."
by Jace555 May 24, 2009
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pronounced (people ing): the ability to tolerate people and their stupidity, as well as your own stupidity in a public setting. To people or engage in the act of peopling is to be able to remain tactful despite a person's obvious stupidity, and/or, lack of social skills.
I'm really bad at peopling today. I just can't people.
by linnythepooh April 15, 2013
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The act of going out in public with people. Especially useful when the one using it hates people in general
I have to go peopleing today, I don't want to, I hate people
by Gypsy soul July 18, 2019
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temporary carbon based life-forms that like digital watches
by galaxypolice November 7, 2003
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commercialized phrase used by a person or business that is trying to get over on as many people as possible.
He sez he's "for the people" so he can get as many of them as possible into his stable.
by snappy's February 2, 2008
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A term used to describe someone when you dont want to use there name or the sound of their name makes you want to vomit.
- do you want to go to the movies tommrow?

- no, people will be there.
by offical BA November 5, 2009
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