May be interrupted by a noun, pronoun, proper noun.

1. Haha you're an idiot noob

2. You're such a flaming noob
rofl omfg Ryan Stephen is a noob
by elfypwns November 16, 2003
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what you say when the room is quiet jesperetto does all times
<Jesper> omfg quiet
by bodolo March 30, 2003
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omfg so gross! means like if your feet stink of poop then it would be gross.

Or if your dad has let one rip it wud be omfg so gross!

Or if your winky starts to smell of fish again that would be gross!!
Omg your winky smells! omfg so gross!
by Dumber February 7, 2007
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Oh my fucking god rolling on the floor laughing my fucking ass off...while repeatedly fucking a goldfish.
Guy: did you see that funny video I sent?
Guy: that's sick...
by Animechick1231 January 17, 2015
Oh My Fucking God You Cant Be Arsed

A good way to take the piss outta someone hu
A) doesnt understand text language
B) is being a total prat
Cozmo: Coming joggin, mate?
Ned: No, I, erm, have to revise..
Cozmo: OMFG U CBA!
Ned: What?!?!?!?!?!?!
by Katii3 May 22, 2008
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OMFG WTF STFU GTFO N00B is the largest possible insult able to be used against old people who don't follow abbreviations in such a manner.

Standing for Oh my fucking god, shut the fuck up, get the fuck out n00b.

People over the age of thirty are baffled to what this even means when said like so.
Kid: Mother, can you make me pancakes for breakfast?
Mother: No, i'm already making you toast
Mother: ???
by maxmoefoe May 30, 2010
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<<< OMFG !!!1!1//AJE!/!?@eleven!!

When you really need to point something out, but the only possible application to place that screen cap in is paint.
Jordell: "A nameless mod!!??!" <<< OMFG !!!1!1//AJE!/!?@eleven!!
AJE: wtf? heh. Explain.
Jordell: Nice sig, AJE
by Jordell July 28, 2007
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