When the host of the home or party you're going to for New Years is still giving you plastic hats and blow horns to celebrate with that say 2000 on them. Happy millenium everybody!
Richard: Hey Phil isn't it ironic how Stew is still has us wearing New Years hats from the year 2000? It's like a New Years Repeat.
Phil: What do you expect from a cheap ass son of a gun like him?
by tralalalalalalalla December 31, 2009
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first official day of the new year.

usually this day consist of being hungover.
"dude, how's your new years day going so far?"

"man sally and i got ridiculously wasted last night, i'm so hungover right now."
by jalexa December 28, 2009
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Deciding that you going to do something new, too change your life in some way for the better or to achieve something but then becoming to Lazy to commit to it after a while and eventually giving up. Based on new year resolutions that you never keep
Saying that you have decided to go to the gym to get more fit and healthy but after a few days/weeks you start putting it off and then you give up and stop going to the gym. Usually happens during the period of New Year's eve/day and thus the Name New Years' Syndrome is appropriate.
by Sunnyko2 July 7, 2013
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The people who will inevitably swarm the gyms in the area in the wake of New Years having resolved to lose weight.
Look at those guys, they have no idea what they're doing. They have got to be part of the New Years Crew
by Imperiex10 January 9, 2009
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The day where peoples' promises to start living a better life kick off... while having a massive fucking hangover.
New Year's Eve: My New Years resolution is to eat healthier and excersize every day... What are these, Jell-O shots? Don't mind if I do!

New Year's Day: Fuck this headache. Let go to Waffle House.
by rogerthewhale January 1, 2014
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The day before the new year. No one really gives two shits about it being a new year, but it's a good excuse to get pissed/laid so who's complaining.
by Kay January 18, 2004
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The bull shit that people say they will when they are hammered 10 mins before the New Years comes. Most of this is forgotten by the 3rd of January.

Most of these "resolutions" are things like, lose weight, eat better, eat less, get a better job other then that casher job at Mc Donalds. Most of these never happen, but when the planets are alined right, still none of these happen.

People who don't have problems in life say, "Fuck that shit, I'm getting a sandwich."
Person with problems: "My New Year's Resolution is to reach a weight under 300 lbs."

Person without problems: "Fuck that shit, I'm getting a sandwich."
by Sire Definition January 1, 2012
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