A video where someone records their friend Justin, exaggerating how cracked he is at the game. At the end, he starts moaning.
Kid 1: My friend here Justin, he's already taken, and he's cracked at fortnite my guy.. *moans*
by Vixfringed October 13, 2021
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The clear definition and rules of this buddy system are as follows...
When an introduction of a conquest and/or person of interest takes place in a social setting, and to clarify the person you are introducing them you are currently hooking up or intend to hook up with the person you are introducing to another friend. When stated "My friend", you imply that the person you are introducing is fair game to make a move on.
When stated "Your friend" means she is spoken for and YOU may not, make a move on, and should respect that YOU have plans in place and/or have already done enough ground work to seal the deal.

Warning: Buddies that violate the rules of My Friend Your Friend, may be subject to multiple cock blocking, harassment, ridicule and organized swooping by other buddies...

Habitual violators may earn the dishonorable title Harbor Shark see additional definition

Theory is:
Buddies are welcome to sleep with "My Friends" but not "Your friends"
This is the examples of my friend your friend.

Hey Dave, This is my friend Bertha. (Buddy system code for she is fair game)

Hey Dave, This is your friend Trixie. (Buddy system code for I'm already on it and want it... don't harbor shark me)
by Haywood Jablowmie pdxx July 18, 2010
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a statement of extreme agreement/praise for a particular activity that one of your friends has engaged in. can also be used sarcastically to point out a flaw in logic or action (example. when something is not well played, but you say it was in a sarcastic tone).
dude 1: did you get that girls number last night?
dude 2: not only did i get her number, i boned her and didn't call her.
dude 1: well played my friend!

dude 1: i tried to, but was unsuccessful in my mission to impregnate the homecoming queen.
dude 2: well played my friend.
dude 1: stfu you couldn't have nailed her either.
by JakeinSD January 21, 2008
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A popular joke within The Mandela Catalogue fandom

its just my friend Cesar Torres
"I feel like Cesar would be my freind, My friend Cesar Torres"- somebody on twitter I forgot who
by BerryJamz October 4, 2022
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Taking a dump. Usually several successive sh!%s (the small pebble type as opposed to the singular “Log)”

Your friends are technically being “ dropped” w: a healthy splash into the “ pool”
I’ll be out in a minute just dropping off some friends at the pool, try the men’s room. Or : “ do you have any toilet paper? I’m about to go drop my friends at the pool
by Pro skills December 15, 2018
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When you pick up someone random that you don’t know and say your friends and are going to have soft tacos
Picks up mouse

“Your my friend now, we’re having soft tacos!”
by Pancake c. April 3, 2021
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the ultimate offence for preps and foundations alike.
David: your not my friend anymore!
alex: noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
by bewitchedgames September 10, 2018
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