Sriracha, that's it. Because hipsters put that shit on everything like my two year old does with actual ketchup.
I ordered fries but the chic millennial threw hipster ketchup all over them thinking it was cool and now my IBS is gonna flair up tonight. Damn hipsters.
by HipsterHater3000 August 3, 2017
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The runny liquid that comes out of the ketchup bottle before the thicker, actual ketchup comes out.
Aw, man, I didn't shake the ketchup bottle before I poured it on my hotdog, and now there's pre-ketchup all over it.
by norrinrad August 13, 2009
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Usually served when blowing backs out in Fiji
I once went to Fiji, ordered a ketchup pizza off the menu and the waiter blew my back out
by JnthnDK February 22, 2021
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The juice that initially leaks out of the ketchup bottle when you squeeze it before the actual ketchup.
Oh man, check out the nasty ketchup juice comin' out of this new bottle.
by kmal9er April 26, 2016
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A twice fan that constantly uses old jokes like, tzuyoda, cheese kimbap, sanake, and iS sANa gaY XD. Can be seen on the Instagram explorer page
Ketchup once: OMG tzuyoda was so funny last night XD omg sanake getting her prey o_O
Normal once: ...
by LLuigi October 25, 2019
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A flavor of chips that is not sold in America
<candian> Do you has Ketchup Chips???
<american> no... ):
<canadian> Aww... sad face
by Xtreme2252 May 27, 2009
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when you wipe your ass and it's shitty and bloody usually after forcing out a shit
Bart looks down at the toilet paper after having an intense constipation episode and thinks the toilet paper looks like he just wiped up ketchup and gravy. Later on he has fries with ketchup and gravy.
by Boffo April 25, 2009
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