When a girl is mad/annoyed. She uses the word "K"
Boy: I love you bae
Girl: K

Boy: F*ck off
Girl: K
by AldoSmaldo June 21, 2016
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A variant of “okay” often used by people who can’t accept that they’re in the wrong, or when they give zero fucks about something. In some cases it is simply used as a shorter version of “okay” without the intention to even be rude.
Example 1:
Person 1: Macs can’t get viruses!
Person 2: uh no they can, do your research next time
Person 1: k

Example 2:

Person 1: I got a new PS4!
Person 2: k

Example 3:
Person 1: Is this the right Discord server for me to join?
Person 2: Yeah.
Person 1: k
by Beanclad December 24, 2018
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something that is said when someone else doesnt really give a shit about the conversation or topic
hammerguy121: hey i think i like you and i want to date you...
animegirlxx: k
by kiwibo October 16, 2019
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"K" is a letter that you add to other words or abbreviations to make yourself seem cooler than you really are. This is usually a sign of near insanity.
Certain words containing the super cool "k" prefix: kthx, k yeah, kbye
by SOBV April 1, 2008
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a: A disrespectful term used when you completely don't care about what someone else is saying.
b: Shortened way of saying okay.
c: Another way to say thousand.
a: girl: omg I am so mad at you!

guy: k
b: guy1: lets get some McDonalds

guy2: k
c:guy: I make 25k a year, yeah i live in my mom's basement.
by theburningchicken March 31, 2016
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a term for go fuck yourself you ugly whore lookin' ass bitch.
by gregoryfan83 May 31, 2018
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A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J K L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z.
DUDE YOU ARE LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by frosty weirgo January 29, 2019
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