when u can become spaced out
not remeber what happened
you can feel like ur floating
u can become out of control
you may laugh ur ass off
you may also get the munchies
if ur me and u hear music
u start to fuckin dance like
a black person to rap or u become
obbsessed with how slow time is
going or how fast its going for you
i might find things hard to pay
attention to and for sure
ur will havea funn ass time
i got high with kenny last night and dont remember shit.
by zsaneib July 11, 2008
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alright. everyone reacts differently. on my first time, i smoked like half a joint of sour d...not knowing what that would do. cuz i don't know anything about weed i`ll admit, even tho i smoke it. hmmm. i didnt notice that i was becoming high. it hits you all of a sudden and then u say "shit. ohhh shit. i feel like im in a dream." you get mad scared...i felt like i was in a box watching the world go round but i was staying still. you cant see the box but its so wierd. like everything that happens is in a different time period. at first also when u lift ur arms, they feel mad light like they could float. if u sit on the bed, when ppl say things they say it mad loud and clear. u feel like the people of the bed are going around in like time lapses. i dont no how to explain that one. and theres times where u forget ur high so u think ur dreaming, but then you remeber that ur high and u think "oh shit why did i get high." but then that goes away bc u think ur dreaming agen. and it goes in a cycle. && i threw up all my food that i had ate like an hour ago...i dont no why! also i went on myspace and read this about me that was written all cool. and then i was like holy shit that was so good and written mad good. and u feel like ur heart is pumping sooo fast, but i asked some1 to feel it and they sed it was pumping fine. and ur legs feel a little numb. my legs twitched a little. and ur tongue feels like rubbery and pillowy, like a marshmellow. ;. and if close ur eyes and move ur head, u`ll start bouncing it up and down like ur singing a song...ur mad happy. and scared at the same time. sometimes u feel like ur out of ur body and that ur watching urself do something. like if u move something, like a book, u feel like ur watching yourself do it ... u still have ur wits about u tho. like my frend wanted me to take a cold shower but i didnt want to cuz then my parents would wake up and find out... sometimes u think ur better, like ur getting out of the high, but then it comes back lol. have fun peeeps.
High, whats ur name?!!
by tweak!@#$% February 2, 2008
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the wonderful problem solving art of getting real fucked up on cocaine, shrooms, or robitussin does real well too
by I hate fakes August 4, 2003
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the most amazing feeling in the world.

there are two different types of high
-head high
the feeling where your head is heavier then the rest of your body
-body high
the body feels like its being weighed down by hundred pound weights

different types of weed cause different types of high
i hit the bowl, bong, blunt, joint, hukka, and gravity bong every day to the point where im high
by baked2313 March 13, 2008
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The state of mind that you are in after smoke a moderate amount of weed. Its the stage that comes before getting stoned.
Dude i barely smoked any, im only high.
by Anonymous August 8, 2003
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That kite went quite high Johnny!
by Billybob October 24, 2004
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