A GREETED DPT is a LITERALL god, a god of having the best comedic timing. He may not seem like much but he is in deed very epic. GREETED DPT was inspired by his very gay parents Ajkilla and Greeted door
Hahaha that's almost like something GREETED DPT would say
by GREETED DPT December 4, 2019
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Similar to the "Shocker" (look it up here), but with two and the bush and TWO in the tush. Look's like Mr. Spock's "Vulcan Greeting" hand symbol; hence the name.
Say hello to the *vulcan greeting*, bitch!
by JB December 8, 2003
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Expelling flatulance in or around the proximity of another's head. Particularly after eating large amounts of beans or other noxious fume causing foods.
When he bent over to tie his shoe, I gave my buddy a huge latino greeting. He almost threw up, because he said he could taste the fumes.
by Harvidge April 26, 2006
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Upon entering the RC a person would say "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening" and render the proper greeting to the number of females and males in the area.
A verbal greeting example is "Good Morning C/Young and Gentlemen." Something that is not an example is Good Afternoon Cadets.
by theunnofficaligoftherc February 1, 2011
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When you take your right thumb and insert it into a persons bunghole and wave like you normally would to an acquaintance.
I totally just gave Will an Iranian Greeting and he took it like a man
by HitmeagainLaxBro November 3, 2011
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