quite frankly we do not live in a world that can properly behave as a collective entity, that is just the reality self-inflicted from the root of our own chaos -- and government is only there to control it to its own demise..
by ViviPeter March 14, 2011
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Something that is supposed to protect people but has turned into a conspiracy of beurocracies, dishonesty, waste—and has grown so big and so out of control and repeatedly oversteps its bounds. It has grown so big that it has invaded pro sports, the bedroom, your car, your body, healthcare, education, fitness (yes, fitness) and big business. It now is a giant vampire and now wants to suck your blood and control your life from the cradle to the casket.
Government sucks and we would be much better off without it. Although we need some of it, it works when it does what it is designed to do.
by krock1dk@yahoo.com July 26, 2008
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An unfortunately necessary evil designed to solve prisoner's dilemma-type problems. The various systems of government include:
Republic (called a Representative Democracy in America)
Anarchy (Note: technically lack of government)

And various mixes of all the above.
by Daedalus January 7, 2004
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An evil cult of Deists,Pagans and atheists who owned slaves,slaughtered the Indians and stole their land,started the KKK and blamed everything on Christianity because they all hate Christianity because it's the truth.And so they've taught you selective history and crammed their twisted Darwinian beilefs and Big Bang bullshit theories down your throat while lying their asses off to you getting you to loathe Christianity by doing every evil in it's name when they really secretly loathe it for it's good values.
Selective history,lies,distorting the truth.What more could you expect from a bunch of scumbags who are of the same cultist belief system as Adolf Hitler?
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An excess amount of information about a person.
Bob: Her middle name is Alysha
Bill: Yo, why you givin' out all her government like that.
by Alex Howard May 8, 2006
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people who pass unconstitutional laws that rape my rights like the assholes who invented property tax. No one has actually owned property in 100 years! If you don't pay your property tax (rent to assholes in washington) the government assholes take your property away, sell it to other assholes, and do something gay with the money. traitors and assholes alike!
the government assholes who invented property tax are those fucking socialists the same assholes who gave us "temporary" income tax, fucking welfare, and allowed assholes in banks to invent money to lend but keep the real money profits. bank assholes who mismanage the imaginary money spread the loss around to people with jobs or assets and pocket the real money again. treasonous assholes.
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A tool used to take advantage of the masses.
Thanks to the government, large corporations can walk all over the population!
by Chairman Lao April 28, 2010
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