Any substance or action that you don't do.
Student 1: You do the Homework?
Student 2: Nah, nigga, Homework is drugs.
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Things that taste and feel good also keep u awake
Bro drugs woke me up last night
by Kopsppsps February 6, 2020
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Drugs are a very broad category of things that can really make a guy act like a complete ass. He will then proceed to blame the drugs because he was stupid and thirsty from them.
Man, I do not remember anything about last night, must have been the drugs. Oh wait, shhhiiiitt............
by Lilbreebriiiiiiiii May 27, 2014
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Hey man, I was trippin yesterday, and I hardly ate, and I was jumpin up and down all day.
by melloncollie May 22, 2004
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Well i just used my college funds for drug money, got a pound of purps and 150 oxys so i'll see you guys in a couple weeks.
by stoned arab March 29, 2008
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If you are a person who has never experienced drugs or if you just outright do not understand drugs, then you should not make speculations about drug users. A drug has mind-altering affects, and yes some people can not handle it, but there are those of us out there that understand what we are doing and can for the most part control our actions. As for myself I enjoy weed, Canadian is the best I don't care what you say, and I still aspire to be all that I can be. I don't sit around on a couch talking about how many threads there could be in the couch, I don't endanger anyone around me, and guess what I make better grades then kids that don't even know what drugs are. What I'm trying to say is, you shouldn't make assumptions about things you absolutely know nothing about! The government has lied about other things, we all know it, who is to say they aren't doing the same thing now?

Thank you for your time.
Non-druggie: "Hey I have no clue about drugs, but I'm going to leave a deffinition about how bad they are and how people who do them are all dumb and wont make it anywhere in life"
Drug user: "Dee dee dee, hey dumb ass aren't you gonna ask me if I'd like fries with that?"
by SBB.TM September 21, 2006
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There are my different drugs. Most of which were made to be used for medical purposes. Some are obtained by prescription, over the counter, self-made, or illegally.
Drugs are used for;
Mind Alteration
Weight loss
Drugs for pain; Morphine/Heroin/Oxycontin/Cocaine(was first used to relieve tooth pain)/Weed(in some cases)/Motrine IB/Tylenol/ ETC.
Disorders: Xanax/Klozipin(?)/Prozac/Zoloft/ETC.
Bacteria/Flu: Etc./Flu vacine
Mind Alteration: LSD/Weed(in some cases)/E/ETC.
Weight loss: Ephedra(?)/Stacker/ETC.
by L0VE December 4, 2005
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