A nickname for Kodiak tobacco products. Refering to the brown bear on the front of the tin.
Q. You got the Bear?
A. was that a rhetorical question.

The only bear you will ever pinch
by D.LAuf June 22, 2005
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When you did the nature in the woods, and are desperate for a commode application...nothing beats soft bear fur...
Jack crapped in the woods..and there was nothing else around than a sleeping bear. Poor Jack, may he never have to wipe his arse in Heaven.

Ever wondered why bears are brown?
by ver January 9, 2005
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Word used by high school and middle schoolers to describe how awesome their friends are.
Rob: What do you think of pessah?
Dan: Pessah? That guy is such a bear!
by Katryna January 16, 2008
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Used as adjective to decribe inspiring awe or admiration
"Wow, bear jeans dude!"
by jim french June 7, 2007
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May describe a masculine, well built gay man or a large, hairy gay man. The term has developed a looser definition and can sometimes refer to the dominant male in a gay relationship. Opposite of a twink.
person 1: Is he a twink?
person 2: No, he's probably a bear. Look how muscular and masculine he is.
by Elisabeth11 February 22, 2013
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(1)A cutie bear who's snaggable, huggable and kissable
(2) A bear who will not hesitate to kick you in the face
Damn, bear bear kicked me in the face!
by mimibum November 12, 2005
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A nickname given to a crush or a lover. Typically the one given the nicknames name is Barrett. Barrett is the best person you could ever meet.
Friend: What did you call Barrett again?
by ❤️crushing❤️ April 10, 2018
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