Someone who makes excuses for Catholic Pedophiles
When ever a Catholic Pedophile is mentioned, a Catholic Pedophile Apologist or CPA,will try to protect the Catholics by deflecting attention to other groups instead of concentrating on protecting the the many thousands of innocent children victims from Catholic Pedophiles
by Child Protection August 15, 2008
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someone who defends chen and makes up excuses on why exols should stan him
person 1: i’m an ot8 exol, i don’t support chen because of all the things he’s done
person 2: why?? i know he’s racist and did blackface but his voice is still good and you should still support him
person 1: dude are you a chen apologist?? exols should be able to unstan him because he’s hurt so many people. just say you’re racist for justifying blackface and go.
by uwu bark bark June 22, 2021
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A person who makes excuses for something controversial.
MGTOW apologist
by koolaidkitty69 September 15, 2021
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A Curry Apologist is a fan of Stephen Curry who will defend him against those who claim he does not have the skillset of players such as Kawhi Leonard or Kevin Durant no matter what.
A Curry Apologist is someone who believes Curry is better Kevin Durant because he never joined the team who beat him in the finals after losing a 3-1 lead even though Kevin Durant helped the Warriors win two championships by beating Lebron twice and winning two-time finals MVP something Curry has never done.

A Curry Apologist believes Curry is better than Kawhi because Curry never left the team that helped him win his first championship and finals MVP but Kawhi did yet Kawhi led the Raptors to the Championship in his first season in Toronto by beating the Warriors in the finals.

A Curry Apologist is someone who believes that Stephen Curry is the best player in the NBA over players who have a better skillset than him and will cite attributes that he supposedly has over them such as "the ability to shoot long threes at half court or beyond" and the ability to "run around the court for twenty-three and three quarters of a second" to get a "one-fourth second" wide open three.
by He-ro June 29, 2019
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Partisans who defend their candidate or elected official with phrases like "the lesser of two evils" and criticizing those who argue for a truly representative government as Puritopians or partisans of an opposition party. Puritopians supersede the term emo-progs for Progressives or left wing Democrats. "Pretty-Pig-Apologists" could also be Republicans who support the Tea Party.

"Pretty-Pig-Apologists" assume a superior attitude and write or voice condescending remarks to those want a better government.

Pretty-Pig-Apologists are partisans not patriots.
The "Pretty-Pig-Apologists" counter any criticism of their candidate or elected official by asserting that a better politician is unelectable.

The apologist can be Republican or Democrat. Democrats use term (formally emo-prog) to describe Progressives just as Republicans could use it for members of the Tea Party.

"While not voting as a Puritopian is like partying while the ship sinks."

"You need to address your Puritopian Plan to bring about progressive change."

"Yes, (Obama) could easily be replaced by _______ _________.
Please fill in the blank, you know, with a more liberal candidate who could realistically be elected this country.
Otherwise, what the respected Member says is just pure demagoguery in lieu of realistic solutions."
by ContrarianPolitics August 22, 2013
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A person that is always defending the rights of

(Not meaning pro-life)
Human #1: "Yo to be honest cum kinda sucks ass"
Human #2: “I am a cum apologist
Human #1: "I respect you"
by Gnomesarejustfirehydrants July 22, 2022
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