Slang in Oklahoma and North Texas. An interchangeable noun that can mean almost any plural object, much like the word "Smurf" in the cartoon days of old. Often used incorrectly in english with the leading word "them".
"I wanted to bring in the pecans, but them puppies just ain't hit the ground yet."

"My mom made up flapjacks today, and them puppies was delicious."
by Beezus November 7, 2004
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"Did you see that puppy hanging out with the senior?"
by Theaterhobo July 2, 2005
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device used by men to talk to any random hot girl
guy walking through the park with a golden retriever puppy

girl: awww hes so cute

guy: thanks. want to go to dairy queen with me, uhh, us? im getting some ice cream for little max here.

girl: thats so sweet, of course i will

guy thinks: hehehe, works everytime...
by itstruemanhehe August 2, 2010
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A person who is usually adorable and or innocent in demeanor . They usually have the most adorable laugh with a dorky smile to match- They are almost always smiling and telling jokes, too. It is never a dull moment with them around. Sometimes, these people are often called 'smol beans.'
Person: "Tom Holland is such a puppy!"

Other Person: "I know! Just look at his smile!"
by RedPaladin18 May 18, 2019
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(1) A thing.
(2) A person.
(1) I wouldn't mess with that puppy; it's breakable.
(2) Tom Delay is one sick puppy.
by cornholio October 15, 2003
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The term given to a young gay male fling, also see Chew toy

A puppy is generally not old enough to drink and will most likely go home with you.

Puppies will often get attached very quickly , in order to prevent "issues" like these , you must seperate yourself from the puppy upon completion of sexual acts.

You can at that point toss it right back in the street where it came from.
Awwww, look at that cute gogo puppy! It looks so sweet and innocent, I have to hurt it.

Never let a backpack totting puppy in your apartment. It will never leave.
by D.G.M. May 13, 2007
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(pronounced PUP-PEES), 1. reference to soft, large female breasts, 2.Sex tools that can be played with when choppy lets them out of their material cage.
Did you see those puppies, each one was a double hander.
He was able to slip it in right between her puppies to his delight.
by Tony March 5, 2004
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