Trash is 2Spooky's first fact video, 101 Facts About One Piece.
Man.. I need a way to describe how horrible 2Spooky's first fact video is... OH I KNOW! It's TRASH.
by Not Spooky November 17, 2018
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Trash is an american person who is named Jake Paul.
I listened to a song by trash and it was trash.
by Tarikmx August 4, 2020
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Talia is legit trash at everything including life, she is trash in general.
by Trashtalia June 1, 2017
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A low person who has no morals or ethics. They will use anybody or anything as long as its for their benefit. Usually acts like your friend until they can get your significant other to start messing with them. Will lie and bend stories so they match their specific wants. No good rotten scum.
Montana is trash! You can change her bag but shes still trash!
by D3STR0YH3R June 6, 2017
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