Celtic rock band from Halifax.
Quite possibly the best Canadian band.
I listened to Captain Tractor yesterday, and now I can't stop listening. It's so bad, it's awesome.
by Camradal November 30, 2003
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When u get raw dogged so hard it feels like you got a tractor to the cooter
“My pussy is so sore. His dick game was so hard he gave me tractor cooter. My wheat field has been plowed…”
by cootergirl123 April 23, 2023
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somebody who grows up on a farm, is obsessed with nascar, rides tractors all day and usually has a gap in their teeth.
That tractor bitch just bought a 120,000 dollar pickup
by giloppi November 12, 2014
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to dirty up the floor of a lady's mobile home
My sister was pissed, 'cause after me and Joe got done ridin' our 4-wheelers we came inside and tractor trailer up real good with mud!
by dookeyboy November 14, 2010
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A 4 x 4 car such as a Range Rover, a Mercedes GL or a BMW X5 which is driven in wealthier suburban areas such as Chelsea
a typical one (new) costs over £40,000
some examples of Chelsea Tractors

Mercedes M
Audi Q7
Lexus RX
Range Rover
Porsche Cayenne
Despite the four wheel drive, Most Chelsea Tractors almost never go off-road
by Someguywhopostedhere October 24, 2011
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The act of putting your penis in a male/females anus and then picking up he/she legs. Then the person getting penetrated then stands on their two hands. At this time the man inside the victim proceeds to walk them around the room thus performing the Kentucky Tractor
My friend Jakes mom let my Kentucky Tractor her last night
by HungDaddy69 May 14, 2014
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A term used to describe a very ugly person

When it looks like they've been ran over by some sort of tractor
I can't belive you got into that tractor face last night, she was a rotter!
by BlGBUCK June 1, 2009
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