When a woman's pussy looks so perfect, it looks like you're looking at a textbook version.
"Man, I went down on her last night and I couldn't stop looking at her perfect plump pussy. She got a textbook pussy."
by pussssym December 8, 2011
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A person that acts EXACTLY as how the media depicts people living in the inner city community. Unlike "a textbook case of ghettoism," textbook ghetto is usually seen in teens that are living in suburbs or upper high class neighborhoods who have never stepped foot in a ghetto; and is mostly the exaggerated version of the actual, since the media distorts reallity.
Chris: Hey! Why is John wearing extra baggy pants below his wang, Air Jordans, long plain white t-shirt, and a big cap?
Neal: Damn it! He must've caught that bug that's going around: textbook ghetto.
by Neal A. Williams October 23, 2007
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When the only way to succeed in a class is via the textbook. This may arise because:
1) Your teacher is too boring to listen.
2) You can't understand your teacher.
3) You don't go to class.
Jim: Did you drop grade 12 biology?

Tom: Yeah, man, that was a textbook example of a textbook class.
by M2K May 5, 2008
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When your woman is going down on you, and you arent feeling it. You slap her in the head with a textbook.
When Suzy said, " by the way I have a raging case of herpes" on her way down, I textbook slapped her.
by The Palvorichk Thrust March 11, 2007
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a status of such a person who's "work/free soul/passion"lands in an educational textbook.
The below example is a conversation between two people.

"Did you hear about Jim?"-A

"no i did not"-B

"he just hit Textbook Status!"-A

"wow that's great! good for him.."-B

"yea it covers thermodynamics quite well from what i hear"-A
by Textbook Status October 14, 2010
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The most obvious, simple and blatant defenition of something.
Regina George from Mean Girls is the textbook definition of a main character.
by AKG31 May 16, 2023
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Moves typically made in the opening plays of Chess. Textbook moves are moves that are studied heavily and therefore have no thought to it. Purely a textbook move.
You see him just play Nf3? All he does are textbook moves.
by MonkeyBumGambit August 16, 2021
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