When the number of men is excessively higher than the number of women. Term used in disqust that there aren't more women around. Similar to a sausagefest.
At a party, a man walks in only to see ten guys there so far...

"What kinda party is this? We've got a testosterone smorgishboard going on in here.
by Kberrbaby July 17, 2009
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When guys try to act more manly and macho than the other guys to impress each other. Often leads to idiodocy and dangerous risk taking.
All they talked about was who's truck was bigger to impress me. Tsk. Testosterone poisoning.
by Harmony1812 September 5, 2019
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That point when you haven’t met a decent guy in so long that even the ugliest fuckboy starts to look attractive and you start to question you’re entire life.
1-Dude did you see katy was all over that nerd last night.

Just another case of testosterone deficiency.

2- urgh I feel so testosterone deficient these days that last night I thought Ross looked cute!
by Thatcoconuthead October 24, 2018
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We are high testosterone gym bro’s.
TesTosTerone Warrior? you mean those buff gym bro’s?!
by astr00 May 21, 2023
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When a woman's opinion is not validated unless a man amongst the group approves of her opinions. If approved, it is then deemed as intelligent; otherwise, it will not be considered smart or considered an option.

Typically, used by women is STEM or a male-dominated workforce.
" I had to get a testosterone endorsement from Brad today in the meeting, because the no one would listen to my ideas."
by womaninagriculture August 25, 2022
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Slang for boner/Erection 🍆👖
Like how not to say the word boner/erection
X1:so tell me what happened in school.
X2:the math teacher told me to stand up go to the whiteboard (i did not raise my hand so he could tell me)

And something embarrassing happened

X1: What ?
X2:i got testosterone in my pants
X1: what does that mean?
X2: I got a fucking erection goddamnit wtf?
by APersonthatKnowsSexEdBefore9th December 2, 2022
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Basically when you try your hardest to impress guys or girls by acting like a dick to strangers or friends.
"Bro quit being a dick just relax your having a testosterone overload!"
by Ron the boss 8 March 13, 2017
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