Unusually ugly, with a terrible sense of humor. You hate to make her laugh because the sound that comes out, almost resembles the sound of a dying pig. A Tess is usually extremely annoying and somebody you ignore in public. Tess could also be refereed to as a "Crack head", or "Crack whore". You always know when a Tess is coming because the entire ground shakes, or you may hear the sound of the crane lifting her in because she is too large to go threw the door. She cant fit in any car except for a semi. A Tess is the kind of person you would never want to get stuck in an elevator with. But if you do get on an elevator with her you wouldn't survive, you would be eaten.
"My friend was just eaten by a Tess"
by We hate Tess November 28, 2018
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Tess is usually a brunette when you first meet her you usually think she is a nice caring human being but when you get to know her you will get into so many fights with her she backstabber all her friends to the point she doesn’t have any you want it stay away from a Tess she is a backstabber selfish and watches anime in bed all day and she is over dramatic
Person 1 : woah Tess is an amazing bff I just met her today

Person 2: stay away from her she will backstab you

Person 1: no she won’t shes not like that


Person 1: crying bc of Tess backstabbing her
by Idkoof August 2, 2019
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Tess's are backstabbing bitches that can't be trusted. An upside to their bitchinnes is that they do it to your face
far out don't be friends with Tess she's so mean
by omgrlly April 12, 2017
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(v) slang meaning Useless or Inept
Commonly used to downplay one's achievements or actions

See; Spud
(Watching football) Guy 1: Man, that play was a disaster. Watson should be dropped.
Guy 2: Yeah he's an absolute tess.
by OC, The Best June 20, 2016
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the coolest living person on the planet.
wow she is so bacon
by tess.. duh September 17, 2008
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Great person good at sports but very smart. Really nice to be around .
by Superiorrullerofall November 30, 2018
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an incredibly nice girl who's been through alot. she's funny, smart, and beautiful, but really modest. she always put others before herself and is nice to everyone. shit happened to her, but she got through it. the best person in the world. she’s also got a small waist and big ass. she really is the most incredible person everrrr🥰😋
1: “she’s beautiful and kind and smart

2: you definitely have a tess on your hands ;)
by i am one sexy mofo October 24, 2019
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