A sexy ass dominican kid with curly hair and a nice body
Lexi garcia:yeo look at that kid hes ohdee sey
Maria: yea i know thats what we call a steve
Lexi garcia:he dominican?
Lei garcia:hmm im boutta pipe
by shaeminaj December 12, 2010
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Noun. An individual with a massive cock and high sense of Jewery. Needless to say, it's not wise to fuck with Steve.
Did you see Steve!? They were right, his nose IS almost as big as his cock!
by paysexual March 25, 2020
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A wonderful loving man who makes you smile. A best friend and lover in one. Sometimes harsh but always knows what to say and how to say it. He inspires loyalty and devotion from those around him. The man who others rely on but at times he will need someone to rely on and when he does he always turns to the same person. A man of honor, strength and dignity. A soul mate and trusted friend. Once he claims your heart, you will never stop loving him. Belongs with a Jenessa

yeah that's my best friend Steve.
#loyalty#honor#strength#best friend#dignity#devotion
Steve is my friend.
by Johnnas June 15, 2017
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A man who enjoys the act of cuckolding.
Would you guys like me to Steve you?
by Mr_ivxx March 1, 2019
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fat, hairy, nose picker that doesnt deserve kangaroos.
by KANGKANG1234 April 3, 2020
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A foo that looks like a toothpick and shit WAHH
Steve has welding skills OMG

And he’s too buff
by Steve’s welding skills May 14, 2020
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