when there is simp activity. (simp happenings)
i sense some serious simpinings.
by jdizz52 May 24, 2020
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When you start Simpin on another man’s girl without realizing it because you are jealous of loosing your girl to somebody else.
Nico has a bad case of subconscious Simpin when I took his girl.
by Rhombus and Co. August 20, 2020
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Something made by bookeymations in BFS 5
and also it has affects
Bookeymations: behold! The anti simpinator! you could be uncomfortable around some people some of them might be SIMPS just use the anti simpinator and press the BUTTON. WARNING: this can have affects such as nausea, death, and duplication!
by SnowballYT August 9, 2021
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Used to describe someone simping in a joking and friendly way.
Don't worry about what he's doing, he's just crimp simpin
by Geno_ April 20, 2021
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