disease inflicted upon females that come into contact with the petes, leaving them with a persistent, vigorous, insatiable concupiscence for the petes that can only be cured by the petes.
i've got the petes, and the only prescription is more petes!
by bobtheta May 2, 2008
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pete- he of little words
whys he not talking? oh hes doing a pete
by spOOnbasher June 16, 2018
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to throw up all over yourself in front of everyone after having only one sip of beer.
after john peted himself at the party, he ran home crying.
by jillybeans April 1, 2007
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its a friendly name that you can call anyone. if you see someone just say hey pete and nod and it is cool.
G''day pete
by p.lane388141 September 6, 2019
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It's doing a shit then smearing your turd all over a rentboys arse, and then fucking the turd into them.
Hadden really gave that guys arse a good peteing
by owen laursen May 3, 2007
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1. the need to pee and eat.
2. an urge to eat and also use the toilet.
Man... I really need to pete
or past tense: I'm so glad I finally pate
by Alison and Justine July 12, 2008
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that kid pete that sits next to me in math is a rapist.
by iamlyingaboutmyname November 24, 2010
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