When one is afraid to disturb a sleeping dog laying on their lap.
"Hey man, I know I was supposed to be the best man at your wedding, but I was suffering from a bad case of Puppy Paralysis."
by Shaggy702 December 16, 2018
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The inability to utter what you want to say, after T.S. Eliot's character in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
Friend B: "The girl wanted me to ask her out...I couldn't though, and suffered from Prufrockian Paralysis.
by Wallace Carlos June 21, 2009
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When a child plays fortnite for to long and doesn’t respond to any movement or anything outside of the game.
by John Hugo November 17, 2019
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Also known as Acute Polyradiculoneuritis. This is a canine neurological disorder caused by exposure to certain contaminants contained in the feces, saliva, urine and blood of many small animals, such as racoons, possums and skunks.

The 'agent' then sets off an overreaction of the immune system, which leads to paralysis beginning in the back legs and moving forward, eventually leading to heart attacks and pulmonary failure. Some dogs will continue to eat and drink for a while, some will not.

The treatment for this disease is life support until the worst passes, followed by gradually increasing physical therapy. Once infected, the dog will always be at a greatly increased risk of contracting it again, but it can be survived with proper treatment.

Some symptoms to watch for are:
- Weakness starting in the hind legs and progressing to all legs
- Weak bark
- Development of severe weakness
- Total inability to stand
- Shallow breaths or difficulty breathing
- Stiff or rubbery back legs
- Loss of interest in food and/or water
- General lethargy
- Resistance to attempts to walk the dog
- Loss of bowel and/or bladder control
- Fluid in the lungs
- Heart attack
If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms, be sure to ask your vet about coondog paralysis, also known as acute polyradiculoneuritis - it could save your dog's life.

See specialty pet websites for details, or do a web search.

"Man, my vet told me my dog was just old, but then I found out about coondog paralysis, and he had all the symptoms. If I had known, they could have saved my dog. I never should have let him poke his nose in that hole under the bush."
by James Fraser February 1, 2008
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The inability to carry out simple motor functions such as walking, talking, or driving, while sending, composing, or recieving a text message.
A driver stops at a stop light, pulls out her phone, and commenses sending a text message. When the light turns green, she is honked at, because she suffers from Text Paralysis, and is unable to obey the rules of the road while texting.
by Lee Brody March 7, 2009
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When you're in a public bathroom (or a similar place) that makes you so uncomfortable you're unable to pee.
I had to go to the bathroom after the movie, but it was too many people there so I got pee paralysis and couldn't go.
by anonypseudonymous June 5, 2011
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When, after turning on pandora internet radio to a station you weren't intending to listen too or wanting to turn off pandora ,you can't because of the amazing and epic selection of songs that appear one after another on the station
Usually, there's amazing music selection that is unparalleled to the music you hear when you actually want to listen to the station, making it the opposite of pandorap, which is when u are stuck listening to a song you hate ,since you skip all the crappy tracks on a station.
After work, I had "I want hold your hand " stuck in my head so I wanted to listen to the Beatles station. But, after turning on pandora to my pop radio and hearing it play Gangham Style,, Sexy and I Know It , Moves like Jagger, and Die Young, i had pandora paralysis and couldn't bare to change the station or turn off the radio, so I listen to pop music station until 12:00 am.
by Your mom 5000 February 6, 2013
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