What one says when they discover something truly vile and horrifying. Only used upon finding finding something unusually, shockingly wretched.
Guy1: Check this out: http://www.chat-avenue.com/kidchat.html

Guy2: There is no god. O.O;
by OTRMain November 20, 2005
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A very misunderstood Being.

A lot of definition's on here blame God for many things, such as starving children, unpunished people, parts of the world being destroyed, yet none seem to realize that it is of our own doing that these things happen.
For our evil these children suffer, and die. Of our own doing we create criminal's, and people who go "unpunished" WE are the ones destroying our own planet. One of the greatest things God has ever given us is the power of Free Will, whether or not we choose to abuse it is of our own accord, and he is not to blame for it, it is us, as evil, sinning people. Just as humans are, and always will be, we love to put the blame on someone or something else, instead of taking responsibility for own own actions.
This is what i believe, God, whether or not you choose to agree is completely up to you.
by iloveyouall1245 September 26, 2011
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billions of people have died in the name of god
by b3n February 14, 2005
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your goated but godded
i’m so godded at this.
by big boy lex December 9, 2021
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You can't see him because he is not there.
Brasil: So, you're saying that God is the only way to eternal salvation?
HyunGyum: Yeah man, God is all loving and he will save you.
Brasil: Then, why does God make bad people go unpunished?
HyunGyum: hmm...
Brasil: Why doesn't God save the hungry children of the world? That doesn't sound like the "all-loving God" I have heard so much about.
HyunGyum: ...
Brasil: That's right! God doesn't do all of that because he doesn't exist!

Atheists: 1
Believers: 0
by BrasilStyle May 6, 2009
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God, the omniscient, primordial and eternal who created man in his own image and therefore posseses a digestive system, sense organs, limbs and other attributes that would be useless to an immortal being. If God came first, what would he eat or walk upon? Why would he have those five senses if nothing to sense yet existed? And if he has 'always' been here, how long did he sit around doing nothing until he decided to invent the Universe? And why? And if he hadn't yet invented the universe, what exactly was he sitting on? Where is he going to exist if there is nothing to exist in? And what is wrong with the idea that we all just expire and disintegrate and rot?
by Jon December 26, 2003
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