Nate is a man that girls meet and fall in love with right away. After noticing how amazing Nates are, they instanltly want no other man. If girls cant get their Nate, they simply dont want anyone. They like to sing, and know how to make others happy more than anyone.
"Hey slut, wanna have sex?" "Sorry, I only want the Nate I lost"

"Why are you crying?" "He's being a Nate and doesent want me!"

"Come party with us!" "No, im to buzy sulking over my friend, hes a Nate."

"Nate made me abstinent."
by DeadLotus June 10, 2009
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That one fuckboy in your friend group who isn't nate from gossip girl
Why does nate always post gym selfies
by Mr Yelah October 3, 2017
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A guy who comes between two people at completely inappropriate times.
"Dude, why'd you have to nate me and that hot girl?"
by lolonthekeyboard July 30, 2008
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Yo that Nate like a kickstand
by Jimmy jax January 20, 2014
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A guy who does not like his Urban Dictionary definitions, and is grateful his friend is writing this one for him.
Nate is such a wuss!
by YannyBemaurel September 23, 2019
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The coolest person you will ever meet. Can tell a joke or off the cuff story with no hesitation. One could say that he should even move in with you because he's such a cool guy and a Loyal Friend
Person 1- did you see that guy walk in?

Person 2- that guy by the door?

Person 1- Yeah! He's such a Nate!
by Sonny Buddy's Girlfriend February 4, 2010
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When you have a boner that doesn't move the pants. You normally get away with it unless someone bumps into you or has the nerve to touch it. A wonderful feeling when you see that extremely hot horny girl who is a slut in your grade that you would total bone. Yea, that one in English class with the double d boobs that bites her pen while delibrately looking at your junk. Yea, you know what I'm talking about. She has wet panties anytime you look at her.
Person 1: Dude, did you see that girl in English today? Oh my god!!!

Person 2: Yea, she had her eyes on you all day.

Person 1: Thank god I only had a Nate. Otherwise, I would have been humiliated!

Person 2: Rofl, noob...
by DizzyThermal September 15, 2008
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