A dudelike female. A female not clearly identifiable as female.
Bring the manly girl to the party, she likes to brag about how big her balls are when she gets drunk, which is often.

The Olympian was a manly girl.
by Solid Mantis January 22, 2018
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Mentioned in the Woodbox Gang's 2009 release "White Trash Voodoo" in the song "Eat, Drink, & Be Dead," a manly margarita consists of blood, semen, and tequila. While preparation and presentation is a mystery it is theorized that all elements are combined in a blender and served immediately in a traditional margarita glass. Salt is optional.
Eat, Drink, & Be Dead" lyrics include, "I sold my blood and semen for a bottle of tequila. If you'd mix them all together that's a manly margarita!
by ScrapIronJaw November 14, 2010
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a male that has metro sexual tendencies but still participates in "Macho" male activities. He cares about his looks and will make sure during the "macho" activities they don't get messed up too much, but also isn't afraid to get a little dirty.
Person 1- You are a Manly Metrosexual Tyler.
Person 2- Whatever, I'm not metrosexual just care about my looks. I'm a man!
Person 1- Exactly.
by HollyBabe May 4, 2010
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Well endowed individuals who have no need for the quarrels of mortals, a name synonymous with excellence, and the physique of Jean-Claude Van Damm before he started doing drugs. If you ever meet one in the wild, do not show weakness, because they smell fear, and churro's, they love churros. The best course of action will be to go on a date with them, because they are known to be great lovers and tip well.
"i saw a Manly Danley walking down the street yesterday, I gave him my number, and my virginity"
by Allknowing churro eater April 30, 2018
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A guy who seems practically perfect in every way (like mary poppins)... tries to woo you with flowers and wine, your mum would love him, and he ticks all the boxes, even the unimportant ones. But for some reason you just aren't attracted to him.
I want to like him, but he's too manly poppins
by miss poppins October 7, 2010
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A big manly guy named Max who wants a pickup truck.
Dang, Manly Max is hawt. -Every girl EVER plus a few guys
by BigoofMax February 27, 2019
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A nonverbal sound, such as a grunt often performed by jocks. It is used to express power, masculinity and the like. The more aggressive, guttural forms of this grunt can render opposition paralyzed with fear, leaving them open to attack and mauling by forest creatures. (In cities the mauling is often performed by small, tasteless statuary.)
First Jock: *manly grunt*
Second (and far more manly) Jock: *MANLIER GRUNT*
First Jock: *EEEK!*
Forest Creatures: YAY!
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