Just so you know, Brandon is a clandestine term meaning two dudes blowing each other in a pickup truck.
Did you see the trumptard and his trumptard “fishing buddy” Let’s Go Brandon in the front seat of that lifted diesel truck? They got jizz all over each others mustaches.
by trumplost2020 October 23, 2022
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A secret phrase homosexuals use to let others no they are ready to perform sexual acts
by LGBlol November 27, 2021
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Ok Let’s go Brandon was funny at first but now anyone who does it just looks stupid.
by Spicyspectrum November 7, 2021
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A reporter at the NASCAR race on Sunday said the crowd was screaming “Let’s Go Brandon!”
by GTrump2025 October 4, 2021
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Used by the shit fetish community when speaking about shit coming out of the asshole. Lets Go refers to supporting the shit coming out, meanwhile Brandon is a replacement for "browning", another word for the action of shitting. Brandon is used as a replacement due to its similarity to the original word as well as its ambiguity to the general public.
Shit enthusiast 1: "I think they're about to shit!"

Shit enthusiast 2: "fuck yeah! Lets Go Brandon!"
by ThiccumsPickums69 December 28, 2022
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Me: F You Biden
PE Teacher: Use Let's Go Brandon Instead so you won't get in trouble.

Me: Okay.
by Joshua Manalad February 28, 2022
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It is the newest ways pedophiles signal each other online
User Donald: Let's go Brandon (and everyone now knows that person is a pedo)
by Tatiedee November 7, 2021
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