Complete ass. Inconsiderate of everyone's feelings, besides his own. Gives up amazing girls for stupid midgets. Wears cucumber lotion on his thighs for the enjoyment of male hookers. Wears booty shorts- not because he has to, because he wants to. Drilled a whole in his xbox so he could make love to it. This person would rather sit around playing COD5 than get up and walk two feet for someone who actually cares about them. A liar and a backstabber and a straight up assface. His mind has gellatanized so far into the worst state you could imagine that you probably can't even comprehend it. Don't get involved with a Kenneth or Kenny, because he'll just try to touch you in dirty places while you sleep. Kenny's are bad bad people!
That kid that broke up with Kaitlyn and treats all his friends like dirt is Kenny.

Kenny is a complete asshole all the time.

Kenneth has no respect for anyone.

Kenny thinks he rules the world, and he wants to marry his xbox.
by Fishtankkk March 22, 2009
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A fuck boy. A guy who just puts it anywhere. Probably broke and ask for money afterwards.
Kenny’s broke ass made me buy him food after sex while he was trying to hook up with the cashier. That’s so Kenny.
by Thatbitch23 December 21, 2017
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To kill someone, over and over again, and then everytime say 'oh my god, you killed insert name here', then a fellow friend replies 'you bastard'
-Shoots person-
'Oh my god, you killed (Kenny)
by AmyYeahBaby October 13, 2008
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Someone that pops pills and washes them down with alcohol in front of children.
Did you see that Kenny?
Yeah he was at it again.
by WhoYouWords February 14, 2017
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A man in his 30s who likes to rant to teens about other teens he hates calling them sluts. He can't find friends his own age so he preys on kids.
Sam (30 years old): I hate Kelly, she's such a trailer trash slut!

Chris (16 years old): Stop being such a Kenny by talking shit about kids!
by Vixenne August 29, 2018
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Dies in literally every southpark episode
Kenny is dead
by Kokichiouma November 12, 2022
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You probably almost die a lot, but other than that your a great person to be around whether it’s your helpfulness or, humour because at the end of the day your normally always there to help a friend out or make them laugh even if your humour a little dirty, your name also has a meaning in Scott land which means handsome.
by Rotten Mushroom January 24, 2022
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