Kalie is the prettiest girl I ever met she's beautiful, she's nice and sweet, kind, wunderful her smile always makes my day. She's awesome and I love her.
Kalie is pretty
by Patty101 September 28, 2017
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She is a a beautiful girl, who may occur to some as preppy, but isn't she is simply an average person whom others are envious of because of her devotion, athletic ability, wisdom, friends, popularity, and beauty. Almost every guy is head over heels for her, because of her personality. She is definitely one of the more popular kids and appears to be the heart of her group. Kalie is a unique person unlike any other, and if you meet you become friends with her you should keep her close.
I think I'm falling for that girl she's suck a Kalie.
by Bruhdontplay July 26, 2014
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An awesome cool chick that everyone loves to be around.You will never stop being her friend! when you get into arguments with her things are still a ok!
girl #1-hey that dude is beating up that girl!
girl #2-that isnt a dude that is Kalie!
by Carleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee February 5, 2012
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pretty girl! super nice to be around. mmost people loves her. she falls for the good guy mostly
dude. im jealous of that kaly!
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Kalie is the best person you could ever find. She is like a sister to me. She's the one I trust and believe. I'm glad Kalie is in my life.
Kalie is the best person you could ever meet.
by Anno March 11, 2005
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n. "kalis", complete ownage, domination, ultimate skill
by Gary February 15, 2003
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