A duet with Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder you can find on MJ's classic album BAD.
If They Ask Her
Tell 'Em That We're
Just Good Friends . . .
Dah! Chika-Chika-Chika-Ah!
by Claque July 12, 2004
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Don't be fooled by my "friendly" approach to this long-awaited break-up: I don't look forward to seeing you again in the near or distant future.
Your conduct during this "relationship" has been of such an annoying nature that we can never, ever be friends.
Me: "Let's just be friends."
Fool: "Ok. So, what are you doing this weekend?"
Me: "You don't get it, do you?"
by medium_rare November 17, 2003
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A sentence that breaks all Adrinette shippers hearts and is said by the oblivious idiot adrien agreste. But, no matter how much he says dumb shit nobody can hate him because his father starves him of croissants and when he eats a croisstant everyones like “YES EAT THAT CROISSANT”
“Me going after Marinette, no, she’s just a friend who likes fashion” -Adrien Agreste
by FrenchToast:423 May 18, 2021
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A statement used by people who are not interested in getting into a relationship with the person proposing to hook up. This statement is NOT gender specific and is just one of the polite ways of saying ‘no’. However, ‘let’s just be friends’ is always taken with a grain of salt by “nice guys” and “nice girls” who, after offering to still be friends, become overwhelmed with frustration after being “shut down”.

Many people with little to no social skills will bash you for using this term as a way of rejection, but that’s ok, because “let’s just be friends” can be used to help you, man or woman, root out someone who could’ve potentially been abusive, controlling, and/ or manipulative toward you. You’d be saving yourself from getting hurt if you use “let’s just be friends”... or, you’d let a good friend know that you don’t think it’s the best decision, and they respect you for your choice.
What happens when you use this statement-

Human 1: hey, I really like you and I think we should be more than friends?

Human 2: I’m sorry, I don’t feel the same way and I think we should just be friends. ( let’s just be friends )

Human 1: wow ok whore bitch I was just trying to be nice you didn’t have to shoot me down like that have fun finding someone as good looking and nice to you as me!!

What SHOULD happen when you use this statement -

Human 1: hey, I really like you and I think we should be more than friends?

Human 2: I’m sorry, I don’t feel the same way and I think we should just be friends.

Human 1: ahh, okay, I understand.
(This is all Human 1 says, and they completely accept the rejection because they value Human 2 as a PERSON and being someone who legit CARES about them AS ANOTHER HUMAN BEING and not an OBJECT. Human 1 and Human 2 still talk to eachother and are happy being FRIENDS.)


Everyone, please, if you really love and care about the other person, but they don’t feel the same spark that you do, don’t hurt them. Don’t talk down to them. If you truly care, you wouldn’t value their body, and instead respect their boundaries and continue being there for them. Because you love them. Because you care.
You genuinely care.
by Anon26252 May 26, 2018
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I do like you as a person, but I don't want to give you "credit" for being strong and confident, which you aren't, so I will call you "friend" just so that I won't have to give you a credit by calling you "boyfriend"
"You are a really great guy, but I want someone more confident for a boyfriend. Lets just be friends, okay"
by Roman Sverdlov June 12, 2006
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its a phenomena where the girl you have feelings for, strips you down to the lowest form in the chain of life, and then either gets with your friend or someone whose lesser than you. this situation is almost the closest thing to a black hole, once your in it, unless you act swiftly you will never have a chance to get out.
but this is how you get out the friend zone:
0. she tells you, Lets just be friends
1. your probably not in shape, go the the gym
2. hang out with her, dont call her, let her call you. dont bring up at all how you feel when you do.
3. if she's with another guy, make friends with him. study him like a cavemen.
4. find a different girl, let her know your not desperate. get some and tell her about it. because most girls "guy friends" have to listen about their bs, you bs right back about your relationship to her.
5. when she relizes her bf is a dick and cheated on her, you tell her how much better you would of been if you had a chance.
6. break it off your ur current girl, and go for the girl of your dreams.
7. have crazy sex, and tell her that it could of been easier if she just gave u a chance the first time.

this wont happen over night, give it 3-6 months
by jever April 22, 2007
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