People named JJ are very interesting people. Some may even say a cooked kient. They have small doon haha jk I wouldn’t know. They usually love people with the name of Kirra. But overall they are chill and get absolutely cooked on the weekend with their homeboys
JJ the tall kient is coming this way
Ohhh he’s absolute unit cuz
by yanancle July 4, 2021
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JJ is such a good guy and he loves school!
by Xmasterfunk March 26, 2017
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“Omg look to your left... that girl is such a JJ”
“JJ spotted 12 o’clock
She goes to champe.. so yes she is a JJ”
by TJAX17 November 29, 2018
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JJ is a bloody fucking legend he will beat your ass and bite your dick off if he can get a hold of it he is a good dog

And is looking for a sex mate!
by Andy corral February 14, 2019
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An egotistical dotard that speaks yee-haw
JJ: you globnackers im gonna click-clack your clonk-glagger
Me: Sorry. No speak yee-haw
by Striker_The_Normie March 8, 2019
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JJ’s are chunky but funny and lovable individuals. If you are a JJ, you have many friends and are always the life of the party. JJ’s love Grizzly Wintergreen.
Damn, JJ’s pecker is big tonight.
by Pecker Lover November 30, 2020
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JJ stands for Jiggley Jaden. a jiggley jaden is a super thicc 13 year old white boy who loves cock. JJ loves complaining that his friends bully him when he only has 2 real friends. JJ gets raped by his tep dad and a big dicked man named Roger. JJ says he hates when you spank his ass but he totally loves
Guy 1: whoa his ass is jiggley he must be a homo
Guy 2: ooooh shit you homo
by BiggieDanny March 28, 2018
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