A word that some girls, particularly the shallow ones, label guys who are intelligent, shy or both. The word nerd also comes to mind. I don't understand that logic, but that's how some girls are, I guess.
Girl 1: Look at that guy over there. Why's he looking all shy? Guys aren't supposed to be shy.
Girl 2: Maybe it's because he's a lame. I bet he doesn't have any friends.
Girl 3: Don't judge that man! For all we know, he may be really intelligent and nice. We should get to...
Girl 2: Yeah, whatever. I still think he's a lame.
Girl 1: You said it, girl. Shy guys are lame.
Girl 3: *sighs*
by Jeff the Outsider March 17, 2009
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Lame (adj) A description of a person or persons who continuously demonstrate weak behavior showing little or no integrity or respect for others wishes due to their own self indulgent obsession with a particular situation. Usually due to ingestion of large amounts of GHB and/or meth combined with sex between incredibly narcissistic individuals. Aka" Circuit Trash". These individuals usually use their lack of self respect as an excuse for their bad behavior.

Lamazoid (adj) - a person who is so continuously lame that they inspire the creation of their own descriptive phrase.
Hey dude, I'm sorry you got arrested for possession. I didn't realize my lame drug dealing lover would use your car as a place to stash his stuff while he distributed it at the club. Is it my fault he over dosed in your car and passed out? I promise next time after you get out of jail we'll let you know first and maybe even share some of the profits.

Hey dude, my lamazoid lover is a professional who proactively hired a lawyer to get him off in anticipation of being arrested. Let this be a lesson to you next time.
by caprock123 August 2, 2010
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LAMing (LAME ING) ~ verb. LAM standing for"Look At Me". Often perpetrated by attention seekers on social networks in the form of short stories or what they're doing this minute to attract attention from various people. Serves as a pun since all "LAMing" posts are by definition, lame. LAMing often causes douchechills... beware.
All Martin does is make LAMing posts about how great he feels, or who he hung out with, or how his work week went, as if we give a shit. It's all for his ex to look at on Facebook in order to try and make her jealous. It sickens me.
by apennismightier December 22, 2010
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a fake ass dude. a dude who tries to be hard but is not.
"Man don't mess with that dude, he's a lame."
by cory tee May 2, 2005
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The very act of being lame.
Quit laming and get your ass here!
by CyraX May 26, 2004
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Out of style. A boring and worn out person with nothing to talk about other than anime and the next project due date.
Zach just raised his eyebrows at me. That's so lame.

Jimmy keeps telling me about some guy named sasuke.
by TwanNoBankroll November 14, 2016
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Person 1: bruh this teachers so lame

Person 2: ya fs all she does is hand out packets, not cool.
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