The effect that hearing that a person is from a prestigious school, such as Harvard. Because of this, they often receive special treatment, foot massages, or smoked salmon.

A person under the influence of this effect is said to have a Harv-on.
They won the whole tournament? Judges must have had quite the Harvard-Boner...
by Cryken January 20, 2011
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Harvard is calling refers to an array of memes that have a video of Nina Dobrev blinking and the dumbest text over it while using that one Nicki Minaj audio. People usually comment "Harvard is calling" ironically to point out how dumb it is.
Tiktok: "if trees give us oxygen, why don't we bring trees underwater to breathe underwater"

by TigreZaddz January 7, 2023
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How women are typically perceived at Harvard University. This perception generally inflates the true rating of women by approximately 2-3 points on the 10 point scale. For example, if a woman is a 5 outside of Harvard, she is approximately an 8 at Harvard.

WARNING: When Beer Goggles are worn in conjunction with Harvard Goggles, the resulting hookup may be disastrous (i.e. bestiality or homosexuality).

This perception consequently tends to disillusion the women of Harvard University into thinking that they are attractive. Fortunately, this disillusionment only lasts 4 years with brief intermissions in between years for winter, spring, and summer breaks.
Theodore Covington III: Gee Preston, did you observe that female? She was extremely attractive!

Preston Wingfield VI: Get a hold of yourself Theodore! We're on summer break; you really must remove the Harvard Goggles. I've seen more attractive animal feces than that lady.
by Boondock Drunks February 4, 2007
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When working as a bartender, waitress, or any customer service-related field in the Cambridge/Boston/Somerville area; the pompous, arrogant, shockingly entitled undergrad with no social skills and a special sort of rudeness that is just outright frightening. Harvard Fucks have never worked a real job in their lives, and have no concept of tipping, saying please and thank you, and looking at you while you speak to them. To a Harvard Fuck, you do not exist. Harvard Fucks leave $10 on a $100 tab, and can manage to make one beer last for three hours. After your second or third Harvard Fuck, you can spot them from a mile away, and your "friendly waitstaff" is flipping coins to see who has to deal with the slave-driving and 9% tip.
Ashley- "Lisa, are you okay?"

Lisa- "No! Those cocksuckers at table twenty-six tipped me $5 on a $62 dollar tab! They've been here ALL NIGHT! Don't they know we live on tips?"

Ashley- "No, Lisa. Those Harvard Fucks have no fucking clue."
by angrybird617 February 6, 2011
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(Verb) The act of dealing drugs but using a large, old-fashion scale to trick your buyer out of the correct amount of drugs they intend to buy. Thus saving product and increasing profit.

*Not to be confused with the Harvard Trip
1. I gave my client the Harvard Shift, now I have extra product and money!

2. I think my piece of shit dealer just gave me the Harvard Shift...
by SSOBEHT August 2, 2014
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