Grace is usually loves drama and will try help you. Graces are usually pretty and amazing with a good sense of humour. Some say graces are very annoying
by Nabob March 15, 2021
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Grace. Probably has a foot fetish, lowkey a hoe, has 12 crushes. but is the best bitch you'll ever meet, she may be a bitch but she's your bitch and nothing can change that. She's very gay, gay for Ryan Reynolds. Very good at rowing and sucking dicks. Knows how to give a good blow job, nickname cock bitter. She's very sweet, prettiest girl you'll ever meet, but she's also a two faced petty frog face hazelnut sucking bitch. She has many hobbies, one being doing nothing but sucking dicks, smoking weed, and hanging with her 7 husbondos. She's a great friend, she smells like the bottom of my ass, which smells good btw. Good friend believe it or not, she's smart, suprisingly. Graces love material gworls, usually a pervert. Lowkey into teachers. Also has daddy issues and a dibilitating spending problem, along with crippiling depression, ptsd, hoelife, fetishes. But yk you can count on her, because she's done worse. She's tall, lanky man, skinny legend, whatever, dick sucking. She loves old men, book characters too. Graces tend to get into poly relationships. Graces don't tend to wear underwear either. But under all of that snakeskin shes not the worst bitch you'll ever meet. Also the definition of shrexy, and graces have great style.
by April 29, 2022
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Literally the best person you will meet yes yes she is shy at first but once you get to know her you will wonder where the other girl went GRACES are loyal kind and have a big heart usually feels bad when they say no and has empathy for every kid she gets jealous at times but remembers her worth graces may seem easy going innocent yes yes they are but if you mess with them don’t think they will let it go they will forgive but never forget they are those kids who have a crush every week what attitude you show a grace they will give it back she loves candy and gets hyper really easy also loves the attention
Wow have you seen grace I’m her close friend and now she is the most crazy person I meet
by Andyourperfectioneveninyourmis January 10, 2022
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Your local preggo with a heart of stone, takes no shit from nobody often compared to her club upgraded counterpart and looks like she's dead while doing school work
Grace: but she was twelve
by Deathbladerunner12 November 3, 2021
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Grace is a really smart girl. I have only known her for two weeks but has made me way happier. She is kind, smart, pretty, funny, a good singer probably, and a decent drawer. If you don't have grace in your life yet then you should get one. They cost nothing but you gain a lot.
Grace is the best/perfect.
by AleMaddoxResseMhila October 5, 2020
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Grace is an vigorously smart and beautiful girl. She is very sweet and comforting, and she gives the best hugs and cuddles. She makes really corny jokes, but they are actually really funny, and she never fails to make you smile. You can’t help but love her with how amazing she is. She is extremely respectable, and she won’t allow you to mistreat her. If you do, she will leave your life for good leaving you heartbroken.
Wherever you are Grace, I hope you are doing great!
by Jskajdnmana January 18, 2022
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Grace's tend to be close friends around guys and struggle with friend groups. Grace's tend to have bad relationship history but are very stupid. Grace's tend to be bullied in groups alot and be referred to as disabled. Grace's also are very stupid and have small friends group to which they stick to and stay. Grace's tend to give ugly people chances to date them but still mess it up.
Grace is almost as disabled as Riley.
by jordanar150 September 7, 2021
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