Frank is that nigga, he pull bitches all the time without even trying, but this nigga get in trouble for the most stupid shit, my man Frank didn’t even graduate middle school, but he stay chilling cuz he don’t give two shits about a bitch and that’s on god g.
Girl: Wow who that boy
Guy: that my boy frank

Girl: he’s such a charm I want him to fuck me immediatly
by Saucedboiii July 27, 2018
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A cross between a hyena and a jack rabbit, this loud laughing creature can be heard devouring its lunch or dinner from miles away. It very rarely sleeps and prays on unsuspecting problems in the I.T. environment.

by Mitchell Von Nunya May 15, 2008
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A dead beat dad who smells like shit, looks like shit and likes to talk some shit. A white male that thinks he is the best thing that walks the earth but aint shit. A punk, a whore, a slut a man who aint going to amount to anything in life. A zero a straight up fag and loser.
Man -"Did you hear about Frank getting another 16yr old pregnant on purpose?"

Woman - "Yeah how many kids does he have now?"

Man - "Shit man like 11, he is fucking dead beat dad who dont take care of his kids!"

Woman - "What a fucking loser, you heard the story of him about a girl who gagged on his dick not because he was too big but because his dick was too smelly ha ha ha!! "The girl said his meat smelled like hot trash and rotten eggs!!"

Man - "Damn that man must stink tell him he needs to wash his ass next time you see him!"
by playaboy November 25, 2010
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Frank: Frank is a bitch.

Frank has a hairline that goes back like lucky charms rainbow so magical not delicious.
" Hey its a Frank , We better get out of here."
by Basimeki May 12, 2017
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-Literally the best chess player to ever exist.
-1000 times better than stockfish
person 1: "why u sad?"
person 2: "i played on, and got destroyed by frank"
by Nyraxis May 7, 2023
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A disgusting person who is often lazy and unpleasant to be around, with poor hygiene. They sometimes are unable to complete simple times and usually do prefer not to speak, believing they know better than everyone else. Frank is comparable to a rottweiler, in many regards and a rhinoceros in others. I hate Frank, and you should too. Frank is also used as an adjective to describe things that have a behaviour or mannerism similar to someone called Frank. Frank drools and dribbles, a disgusting bastard, one might say
You're so Frank
by RonnieTheWatermelon November 1, 2023
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