One of the sexiest guys out there. He is known for his hair and for his height. A eugene is a charming, kind, sexy, strong, young man. Dont mess with a eugene or He will put you on your place. He doesnt care who you are he will treat you the way you deserve. You have to earn his trust. It doesnt just appear one day. Eugene like many girls but the one he is in love with is the one whom has known him the longest. A girl that had stuck around through the tough times and is still there today. She loves you eugene. A eugene usually gets along best with names that start with a, l, t, d, j, i, and z.
Girl 1: oh my god did you see eugene today? His hair is on fleek and he is so sexy.

Girl 2: omg yessss. I want to make him mine that sexy stud muffin.
by The truth of it August 29, 2017
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Eugene, Oregon.
Home to the Hippies, Homeless, and Ducks.
A shit town in most respects, the city council makes it look clean but underneath the veneer it is a stinking cesspool of human filth.
The real trick they use is the neighboring Springfield, OR which is even worse, so they look better by comparison.
Guy 1:We been driving for three fucking hours, lets stop here in Eugene.

Guy 2: Fuck that, its only 2 more hours to Portland
by Triblets January 3, 2009
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A Man that was born by an incestral Mother. A Eugene wear's a Trench coat with a Fedora. Eugene's favorite weapon is the AK with Fast Mags with Stock. Eugene's favorite Quote is "I'm coming for ya bud." Eugene's natural habitat is the candle store right next to the Gun Store.
It's A Bird... It's A Plane... No It's Eugene with the AK in his Backpack Everyone Run!!!!!
by Eugene's Dad March 11, 2016
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A person that is not retarded but act retarded and they think that they are cool but actually aren't at all, they usually wear a trench coat and/or a fedora
Damn that Eugene thinks that he can get that gir, nah he looks like crap
by RynoBoyz March 15, 2016
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A suave, sophisticated, intellectually superior ladies' gentleman who recognizes and appreciates the vast depths of beauty in all of God's Creation. A real man who appreciates a real woman. Typically, real women who have been set to float adrift in the sea of emotionally bereft flotsam and jetsam - laid waste by an unfulfilling dead end relationship - will as a matter of course flock to a Eugene.
"I thought my 'man' was a superstud and my everything, and then along came this Eugene... and he singlehandedly redefined me... and my life. How can I ever go back to the sad pathetic clown I have been imprisoned with over all these many sad lost years?"
by MyDefinitionIsThis88 November 17, 2016
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usually a kid who is extremely cringeworthy and is know to get dised/rejected by girls
oh that guy is super cringy he must be a eugene
by backfill March 11, 2016
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Eugene has big goals and a small penis. He likes to bring machine guns to school and call it a social experiment. He really likes soy milk and everything bland.

He has no future in life. His mom hates him and his dad disappointed that his son is 47 years old and he is still a virgin and is still jerking off to pornhub. He is the type of guy to eat pizza all day while watching Anime and jerking off. He has no hygiene. Don't be an Eugene.
Eugene quickly pulled his pants up when he realized that his dad was watching him jerk it to Justine Bieber.
by Dr Phili March 19, 2016
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