An impressive feat surpassing the ordinary day to day boring shit.
The Foxbody thread on Import Atlanta is fucking epic!
by Browningboy7 July 29, 2009
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an amazing, heroic, majestic, or impressivley great action.
wow!! did you just see Tagz with that breakaway save?! She stopped her stone cold, that was so epic!!
by Stormy35 April 30, 2011
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Desirae, one of the greatest people in the entire world. She is someone that can look up at a rainy day and the sky will part and the sun will shine, even if it is night. She is the greatest person in the world.
by PolarBob December 11, 2010
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To be Mega Awesome, To have this aura of ownage around you, to be "Woah".
To Reidiate perfection.
Wow Huyai is epic,he just does stuff that makes you say "Epic". When he walks in the room you just go "Woah Epic".
by Reizor Yan Rei Niz Ami March 11, 2009
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A word used to describe anything of awesomeness; whatever you want it to mean. It is in the "public denial but private use" stage of a popular word or phrase; meaning that it has become too popular, leading hypocrites everywhere to dramatically overreact to its use with shouts of "ohhhh, it's SOOOO overused" and likewise, although they still use the word themselves.
Person 1: "Dude, I was (gaming, playing a sport, fucking someone, taking a shit, climbing a telephone pole, eating a baby, etc.) and it was so epic!"

Hypocritical asshole: "Epic is so overused..."

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Hypocritical asshole: "Dude, that was epic!"

Person 1 (overhears): "Fuckin' hypocritical asshole."
by CMKTBH April 28, 2010
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