A very loose, ran through poontang, sometimes the end result of a brutal child birth.
1)Man after her pushing out that ten pound baby, she was really a snatch disaster!
2)Don't mess with her, she is a walking snatch disaster!
by Choach Poacher October 20, 2018
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When one has an unexpected disaster that makes one feel as if they just got "fucked in my ass." Usually financial in nature, but always a major catastrophe.
"When the transmission went out on my car, I declared it a F.I.M.A. disaster. It cost me over $2,000!"
by Absolut Ang January 27, 2009
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Radiates chaotic neutral energy . One may attain "disaster goblin status".
reference: Youtube, "vines for disaster goblins" 2018

Old school RuneScape (may also be) in reference to Recipe for Disaster/Freeing the Goblin generals.
" i am a disaster goblin and i've never felt so appreciated, this is beautiful, i'm crying into all this gold i've stolen " - Booty Duke

" I achieved my disaster goblin status when I finally got over my salmonella on christmas day only to come down with strep throat the very next day " - Wikjah Greenwell
by DEd_fekuf December 30, 2019
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1. A huge honkin piece of food that is probably about 80% sugar and about 80% likely to kill a diabetic.

See: Chocolate Suicide

2. A diabetic who eats so much sugary or sweet foods that they are most likely to not be alive within a year.

See: Fatty fatty boombalatty
1) "You're going to eat that diabetic disaster?" "Yes"
2) "Man, that kid over there is just one big walking diabetic disaster"

by Dark_Midget June 11, 2006
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The combination of fearful uncertainty, existential angst or suffering, and anxiety over impending doom experienced in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Disaster Edging is often likened to a combination of the feelings a Floridian experiences 36-hours before a Category 4+ hurricane is due to make landfall and the general mood extant in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
I wish we had some concrete news about how bad the Coronavirus is actually going to be, I don’t know how much more disaster edging I can take.
by Beth stucco'd her face March 18, 2020
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A complete shitshow. Something going completely wrong in every way it possibly can.
“Dude how was the vocab test?”
“A fucking wreck. I had an ass disaster midway through and bombed it.”
by papaya666 March 22, 2018
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Catastrophic, explosive diarrhoea, resulting in blowing your “O Ring”, just like the 1986 Challenger Space Shuttle disaster
Oh man, I had a vicious Tandoori last night and had a shuttle disaster this morning
by Dr Dongmeister June 14, 2019
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