A more formal version of the popular saying, Fuck bitches get money.
shortened- DWAC

pronoounced- duhwaaahk
Stephen and christina know how to Disregard women, acquire currency all day everyday.
by christinaD&stephenF November 29, 2010
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Ye Olde English version of 'Fuck bitches, get money'.
Ben Franklin: Doth tho even hoist?
Tom Jefferson: Na brethren, just gonna disregard women and acquire currency.
Ben Franklin: Oh, I receive you.
by Ye Old Hoister April 7, 2014
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disregard females (ignore any individual that is born with vaginal genetalia), acquire currency (attempt, by any means, to possess the greatest accumulation of material wealth)
"disregard females, acquire currency". (Don't get a girlfriend, make money) currency
by nztitan October 11, 2011
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the currency that those little fucks to ruin gaming for us gamers, like what the fuck I can't even get a 1080 with the same price it was
Man, I wish if I could start a whole fucking campaign to stop the crypto currency
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"Sir, what do you plan on doing for the rest of your life?"
"Disregard women, Acquire currency!"
by ilovesushi July 2, 2014
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Misinterpreted translation of "Fuck bitches, get money", from modern Ebonics into archaic English.

A more accurate translation would be "Copulate with females, acquire currency", as clearly the intent of the original phrase is to have sex with women and become rich (ideally simultaneously). However, the more correct version does not fit as neatly into a captioned image.

Alternately, the translation could unwittingly provide a poignant vignette of males who spend a great deal of time on the internet, as they would quite likely be the type to curse women due to their own ineptitude at IRL social interactions. The original translator's assumption that "fuck" should be interpreted as "disregard" (despite the enormous canon of rap literature in which "fuck", when directed towards women, very often refers to the act of coitus) speaks volumes about this.
Rob: Man, I'm terrible at dancing. Whenever I peel myself off the couch to go out to the bar, women won't go near me on the dance floor.

Steve: You know what I always say. Disregard females, acquire currency. You're unemployed, though, so probably forget about the second bit.

Rob: ...
by stocking stuffa August 19, 2011
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The currency that those little fucks use to ruin gaming for us gamers, like what the fuck I can't even get a 1080 with the same price it was!
Man, I wish if I could start a whole campaign to stop crypto currency mining...
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