(n) Town in central Massachusetts with the unique distinction of having the most bars per capita of any community in the United States.
"Hey, is Angie's in Clinton still in business? That's a great bar!"
by KazamaSmokers August 6, 2006
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The assassination, murder, or mysterious, quesitonable disappearance or death of a person or persons that have evidence to charge, prosecute, or deface Hillary or EX-President Bill Clinton.
All the parnters associated with Hillary Clinton's real estate scandal were victims of Clintonization.

source http://prorev.com/legacy.htm


- Number of persons in the Clinton machine orbit who are alleged to have committed suicide: 9
- Number known to have been murdered: 12
- Number who died in plane crashes: 6
- Number who died in single car automobile accidents: 3
- Number of one-person skiing fatalities: 1
- Number of key witnesses who have died of heart attacks while in federal custody under questionable circumstances: 1
- Number of unexplained deaths: 4
by - Red-Blooded Patriot September 1, 2008
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Using a cigar for other purposes than smoking.
Monica was clintonized by her boyfriend and she enjoyed it!
by wordmaven October 14, 2005
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To whack somebody - political opponent esp., or someone who exposes your crimes, such as Anthony Bourdain or Jeffery Epstein; usually by faked suicide or car crash.
That Bourdain guy has gone too far, we gotta Clintonize him and fast...
by Carl Davidson November 29, 2020
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The act of answering a phone call from either; your parents, your boss, or a member of congress, while receiving oral sex.
Maira: "So last night this guy was eating me out and my mom called"

Beth: "So what did you do?"

Maria: "Answered the phone! The CLINTON BITTTCHHHEZZZ!"
by cyadolly September 22, 2010
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A sexual act in which the female licks out the anus of the male. This originated when the president of the United States, Bill Clinton, had his anus licked out my intern Monica Lewinsky.
by james December 18, 2004
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The black man's president. He had it all. Workplace blowjob, smoked dubs, and played a mean sax.Al Sharpton aint got nothin on clinton
Man me and clinton met up wit dees hoes and we smoked a peice while dees too bitches gave us brains
by slyness August 10, 2006
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